Utopia Zine
Someone once said that each step we take should lead toward building our dream of UTOPIA. And friends, we couldn’t agree more. But the only way we're going to make it happen is by building it together. In potentially the queerest, sportiest, and sexiest of collaborations, Queers On Wheels, Queer Surf Club, Queer Running Club, Goal Diggers FC, and Knockout come together to bring you UTOPIA, a hot-off-the-press zine celebrating queer sports, queer bodies, queer community, and queer joy in all its GLORY.
Over 70+ pages, discover intimate, provocative, and JOYFUL portraits of different members of the clubs, shot by some of the most exciting queer photographers in London.
Dive into visual stories on how these clubs are building community and read exclusive Q&As with members, crafted by writers from UK's queer sports communities.
✨ All profits will be donated to Mermaids, the UK’s leading charity supporting trans, non-binary and gender-questioning children and young people and their families. ✨
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Graphic Design by Disco Dickins
Photography by Frederick Goff
Website by HIGHKICK